January 2006 The Woodrows’ Transportation Needs

From: Henry J. Heijermans, Interim Director Grace Missions Ministries
Date: January 15, 2006

Life in Mozambique presents enormous challenges the likes of which most of us only read about. In fact, that’s exactly what we all did a few weeks ago when we received Kent Woodrow’s splendid account of the family’s hair-raising experiences as they drove from Nampula to South Africa to catch a flight to the States. What a story!

Although all the Woodrows remained unhurt and all is well, we can’t say this for their means of transportation.

A new Landrover is a must. This sturdy vehicle has served its purpose since 1989, probably even beyond expectations. But now it must be replaced.
We have investigated the various options before us in this respect. It appears that once again the best arrangement is to order a new Landrover in Great Britain and have it shipped to Mozambique. Currently the basic cost of this automobile is about $37,000 plus shipping.

On behalf of our Grace Missions team, I request that you prayerfully consider what part you may be able to play in meeting this vital need. We shall be most thankful for your participation in this project. Please designate the respective contribution accordingly: Mozambique Landrover Project and as usual send it to Grace Missions, PO Box 34531 San Antonio, TX 78265.

Thank you very much for your gracious generosity. Gratefully yours in Christ, Henry J. Heijermans, Interim Director